Band Description
Led by a female power-vocalist, Taking the Hourglass combines driving passion with melodic thought. With influences in Indie-Rock, Progressive-Rock, Electronic, and Folk, Taking the Hourglass has combined their varying interests to result in the Lost for Words EP. With an importance equal to sound, Taking the Hourglass has striven to deliver a level of thought and honesty in their lyrics that is meant to do right by their listeners. They have meticulously crafted their music to share the story of their journey, as it pertains to the journey that everyone must walk.
Fame Rating

Taking the Hourglass
Omaha, NE
Indie, Alternative, Electronic, Folk, RockBand Members:
Rachel Masuda - VocalsIlseuk Masuda - Keys/Guitar/VocalsBen Conrad - GuitarDolan Delano - BassCole Johnson - DrumsMusic
Burdens Over Solitude
Plays: 30
Plays: 24
Until The End
Plays: 26
A Brand New Thought
Plays: 23
Total Plays: 154