Band Description
Independent Christian rock/folk/Americana musicians; husband and wife duo, madly in love; homeschooling parents of seven; sinners saved by grace with a Story to tell through song. We are Scott and Lisa Barry...exceptional only in the ways our Savior shines through us. He's taken our creativity, our clutter and our chaos; our beautiful moments and our ugly, and poured it all into a testimony of His faithfulness that begs to be shared. May we always sing for His glory alone.
Fame Rating

The Growing Roots
Grand Rapids, MI
Blues, Folk, Indie, RockBand Members:
Lisa Barry - vocals, percussionScott Barry - vocals, guitarMusic
Go Down To The Water
Plays: 775
Rocks Cry Out
Plays: 725
Take Me Down
Plays: 700
Right On Time
Plays: 677
One Single Hour
Plays: 490
Total Plays: 4229