Band Description
Out of a Country music rich Amarillo, TX emerges a 5-piece rock band known as Lifeless 2 Life. In 2010, musicians Josh Fox, Nick Kemp, Flip Reyes, Ronnie Boyter and Loren Bussey left their secular roots and joined forces to form a Christian influenced group, who’s message is one of grace and acceptance. Using their own pasts of struggles and redemption, L2L breaks down the barriers to reach into the very core of the listener; connecting God’s love to their own past.
Each original song has a story of deep seeded struggle, redemption, and indiscriminate compassion.
Lifeless 2 Life’s self titled, full length CD was released in 2015 and can be heard on indie radio stations in Texas, several online stations, and purchased on CD, Google Play, Amazon, Itunes, and Spotify.
Fame Rating

Lifeless 2 Life
Amarillo, TX
Metal, RockBand Members:
Loren Bussey - BassNick Kemp - GuitarFlip Reyes - GuitarRonnie Boyter - DrumsJosh Fox - VocalsMusic
The Question
Plays: 67
Die for Me
Plays: 62
One More Round
Plays: 56
Come To Life
Plays: 60
Plays: 65
Total Plays: 408