Band Description
KIGS started as a choir in 1985 then evolved into a christian rock band. We have been blessed with performing in many events and church festivals for Austin and central Texas Diocese. October 2007 put 4 original members back together for a ONE time only performance, but that changed, a spark was ignited and original material was revamped and given and up to date sound, and new material was written and our 1st CD was completed. The Lord blessed us with 13 beautiful tracks and we hope those who have our CD have enjoyed it as much as we did making it. We are working on new material and God-willing you can enjoy the new songs soon. We have been blessed with some talented musicians, who have come into our hearts and will never be forgotten, and for that we are blessed; we are working hard to continue the tradition of the band, by spreading the word of God through our music, our passion and our hearts!
Fame Rating
Knights In God’s Service (KIGS)
Pflugerville, TX
Classic Rock, RockBand Members:
Albert Costilla Jr - Rythm Guitar, VocalsRene Aguilar - Lead GuitarAngel Costilla - Bass GuitarRick Smalls - VocalsDaniel Torres - Drums, VocalsMusic
You're Not Alone
Plays: 11
Light of Christ
Plays: 8
Total Plays: 35