Band Description
We are a Christian Rock band from Southeastern Wisconsin that are joined together with one mission: furthering the kingdom of God. Our first single, Disaster, received critical acclaim and international air time; this was then continued with our second single, Hostage. In summer of 2016 we were crowdfunded to record our first full length album, Transformer, which was released on December 9th, 2016. We are heading into the studio in April 2018, to record our brand new single called Scars with Nick Rad. Our drive is putting Jesus Christ in the center of all we do. Without him, none of this would be possible.
Fame Rating
In The Verse
Milwaukee, WI
RockBand Members:
Noah Hulbert - VocalsDave Hanson - GuitarChris Cerfus - KeyboardRyan Kutz - BassDevin Schumski - DrumsMusic
Plays: 56
Plays: 43
Plays: 16
Total Plays: 192