Band Description
Running form Sharks is a Fusion and Rock combo formed by the brothers Elijah, Isaiah and Seth Bragg.
While the title "running from sharks" might sound goofy, it really came from the idea that running from a shark in the water, is a lot harder than from a shark on land , where it can't get you. In the same way fighting against sin on your own is a lot harder than fighting sin with the help of the grace of God.
Fame Rating

Running from Sharks
Gaylord, MI
Electronic, Pop Funk, Rap, Experimental, Metal, Indie, RockBand Members:
Elijah Bragg - Bass, Vocals, BeatboxingSeth Bragg - Drums, VocalsIsaiah Bragg - Guitar, Vocals, SynthMusic
Highway to Heaven
Plays: 14
Up from the Smoke
Plays: 3
J. Walking on Water
Plays: 3
Total Plays: 45